
Quantum Healing Journeys

& Spiritual Coaching

“Labels are for jam jars!
You, dear One, You do not fit in a jar or in a drawerwhen it comes to your request for help!
I'm interested in Your story, not so much in the label you've been given; I want to hear your Soul. For me, your experience, your feelings, your thoughts are of great importance.
I would like to walk aside you on your Path of Life."

On your path to a healthier life in harmony & balance, I can help you in the following ways:


  • Intensive, individual Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions
  • Online session via chat and video chat
  • Intensive treatments during individual day/weekend programs at the Chy-Kara tanya in Hungary
  • Attending one of the weekend workshops for groups the Chy-Kara tanya in Hungary