
My Methods & MyToolbox

As a coach and therapist, I have developed my own eclectic approach over the years. I use a unique composition of therapeutic techniques which surely open the way to an exciting Inner Journey.  Eclectic Hypnotherapy is a method of psychotherapeutic treatment influenced by Shamanism, rational sets of therapies and eastern meditative arts, among others. 
Furthermore, my working method is based on knowledge, a good dose of life experience and a healthy intuition.

The moment I tune in to the client in front of me, a special interaction of these elements begins wich certainly open the way to a fascinating Inner Journey. You will gain more insight in the inner system behind your problem and on the origin of your problem.
You will be more in control of your way of thinking and on your behaviour.

The benefit of an Eclectic Quantum Healing approach is that you receive a customized, unique treatment to insure the best effects on your Pathway to Ascension and Soul Awakening. This way you can be sure that it has the best effects on your Path to instant healing and transformation.



“Labels are for jam jars!
You, dear person, do not fit in a jar or in a drawer with your request for help!
I'm interested in your story, not so much in the label you've been given; I want to hear your Soul. For me, your experience, your feelings, your thoughts are of great importance.
I would like to walk beside you on your Pathway."